Sunday, December 19, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

It's been a long while since I've written and I apologize for that.  Life seems to keep getting in the way.  Anyway, here are some updates as to what has happened in between my last entry and now.

In late August, Alex started daycare.  Daycare has been great for him.  He loves going and has learned so many things - both good and bad.  He loves his teachers and waves goodbye to me every morning when I drop him off.  Here is a few pictures of him on his first day.  Obviously, he was very excited to go.

Here is a video I took in the car on our way to Alex's first day of daycare:)  He was very happy!

Also in late August, we got a video of Bubbs playing with his sippy cup.

In early September, we had a 12th birthday party for my nephew, Ben at our house.  Suzanne decided to come in for a visit that weekend as well.  We had a great time.  Here are some pictures.

Ajax loved hanging out with his cousins, especially 5 year old Grace.  He kept laughing at her everytime she would walk by, so of course, we had to catch it on video.  Watch the video and ENJOY!

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