Monday, December 20, 2010

Alex is 1 year old!

So it's official - my son is one year old!  I can't believe it.  It's been a whirlwind year and Alex and I have gone through so many changes - there's too many to count.  It's amazing to look back and remember what this little guy looked like on December 16, 2009 and then to look at him again on December 16, 2010.   Physically, he's grown so much.  At his 12 month doctor visit, he was 29.8 inches and weighed 20 lbs. 4 oz - which is average for his age.  That's definitely an increase from what his stats were at birth - 19 1/4 inches long and 7 lbs. 2 oz.  Emotionally and socially, he's grown up so much!  He's so responsive and talkative these days.  He loves to play with other kids and play by himself.  He's always discovering new things!

Alex and I were talking the other day about our first year with little Alex.  We both think this past year went well and that it wasn't that hard at all - like most people told us it would be.  I'm so happy to see that both Alex and I have grown into our "mom" and "dad" roles like we were meant to always be there.  Plus - we know that all the support from friends and family definitely helped us through many hard times.

So, thank you friends and family for being there this past year.  I know we'll lean on you plenty again over this next year!  Thank you Alex IV - for being the best and most awesome son anyone could ever ask for!  I can't wait to see how you grow over this next year!

Here are some pictures of baby Alex as a newborn and now.

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