Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ajax and his jumper

We bought Ajax this jumper when he was about 3 months old.  He used to try and bounce on our laps and we thought it would be great exercise for him to have a jumper to be able to practice on all the time.  Until about 2 weeks ago, he didn't really understand it and would just look at us strangly every time we put him in there.  Plus, his legs weren't long enough to reach the ground so he wasn't enjoying it as much as I thought he would.  Well, all of that changed in the past 2 weeks.  First of all, he grew so his legs now touch the ground.  Also, he seemed to figure out just how the jumper works and loves it so much.  It's definitely his favority "toy"!  Here's a video of him in his jumper!  ENJOY!

First Cereal

Last week Ajax had his first run in with solid food.  I had decided it was time and he seemed very eager and ready to try it out.  I started him on rice cereal and of course, we video taped a bit of our experience.  Ajax did a really good job.  I was actually impressed with how well he did.  Check out the video...